How to Get Rid of House Crickets: A Guide from Family First Pest Control
At Family First Pest Control, we understand how annoying it can be to have crickets chirping throughout your home. It’s not just the noise that is a nuisance, crickets can also cause damage to your property by chewing on fabrics and paper. Some have called crickets the most destructive bug. In this blog, we will share effective strategies on how to get rid of house crickets and prevent them from getting into your home.
Identifying the Problem: What Are House Crickets?
House crickets, typically light yellowish-brown, are common in warm environments like Phoenix and surrounding areas. They are attracted to warm, moist environments. Your home is an ideal spot for crickets, especially during hot or rainy seasons. Recognizing you have a cricket problem and handling it quickly is important.
Step 1: Eliminate Entry Points
The first step to get rid of house crickets is to prevent them from entering your home. Crickets can enter through small openings around doors, windows, and other cracks in your home’s exterior. Seal these gaps with caulk or weather stripping to reduce their access. Making sure window screens are intact and doors are closed securely will also help keep these pests outside. Sealing your home is an excellent way to prevent these pesky crickets from coming inside your home.
Step 2: Reduce Clutter
Remove clutter that could serve as a hiding spot for crickets, including stacks of papers, laundry piles, and other similar items. Remove debris from the yard. It is very important to keep your yard clean and to make sure there aren’t any piles of leaves, etc. Crickets and insects of all kinds LOVE to hide in piles of junk!
Step 3: Cricket Baits and Traps
You can set up cricket baits and sticky traps around your home to help capture and reduce the population of these pests. You can set these traps wherever you would like. Outside your doors and in the garage are effective. Check and replace these traps regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
Step 4: Professional Pest Control Solutions
Crickets are persistent and sometimes you cannot control them on your own. This is where Family First Pest Control can assist. Our team of professionals are licensed and have all the tools necessary to handle severe infestations effectively. We use safe and effective treatments that are tailored to specifically target and eliminate crickets from your home. We pride ourselves in being the most thorough and detailed company in the valley.
Conclusion: Stay Cricket-Free with Family First Pest Control
Getting rid of house crickets can make your home more comfortable and prevent damage to your belongings. By following these steps and seeking professional help you can maintain a cricket-free home. At Family First Pest Control, we are committed to providing you with the most detailed and thorough pest control service in Phoenix and surrounding areas. At Family First Pest Control, we put your family FIRST! Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment! 602-292-5429