Can Pest Control Get Rid of Scorpions
Can pest control get rid of scorpions? The simple answer is yes, but it’s more complicated than that. The first step is proper identification. Different scorpions can behave differently, which makes the treatment plan vary. The second step is inspection. Go out in your yard, take a black light, and inspect bushes, block walls, up against the house, and under anything in the yard that could cover up an Arizona bark scorpion. The more thorough the inspection, the better it is to get them under control. Don’t forget to check the garage and shoes, as bark scorpions also love to hide in those areas. This is not a one-and-done for both identification, inspection, and treatment. Scorpions move and are always on the lookout for a new home. Scorpions don’t leave droppings, symbols, or directions to where they hide or live, so you might have to inspect regularly. Therefore, the communication between the customer and the pest control technician is vital. We need feedback on the frequency of how many you have seen, where you see them, and whether they are active during the day or nighttime.
We always get asked if our neighborhood has scorpions. From Anthem to Arcadia, Scottsdale to Surprise, Paradise Valley to Peoria, and everywhere in between, the answer is YES!! I can tell you countless stories of customers calling us saying we have lived here for 3,5,7 years or even one customer of ours who grew up in the home and for 60 years had no scorpions, and now the neighborhood is infested with them.
The process of getting rid of Arizona bark scorpions:
First, you must think like a scorpion. Go out in your yard, look for areas to hide, and clean those up. Yard debris and piles of wood or firewood can hide scorpions. Second, seal up every crack or entry point into the home. I prefer caulking. Look under the house (you must get on your stomach to see what scorpions see), and look around the garage door frame, hose bibs, bird block, doors, and windows.
As for the treatment, our first step is dusting. While some companies use chemical dust, we prefer a more green method and a product with a longer breakdown life called Diatomaceous earth. This is my favorite product because it has many uses and can be applied in many places. You can dust bushes, trees, water boxes, valve boxes, block walls, voids in the house, you name it, and odds are you can dust it with D/E.
The second step we take, going above and beyond, is granulate. The goal here is to kill the bark scorpion’s food source. Be careful when using this stuff. Only apply it to soil or rocky areas. Do not use it on concrete or other hard surfaces (read the label).
Then the third and final step is liquid. There are many choices, but read the label because the scorpion application rate is usually higher than a typical bug. Always treat the foundation and block wall of a property and other areas the label allows you to treat (each label has different areas permitted to treat; please follow the label correctly). You will encounter fewer scorpions in your yard and house if you consistently keep up with these three steps.
Contact Family First Pest Control to learn more about Arizona scorpion infestation and eliminate them effectively!