German Cockroaches Pest Control
Did you know you are responsible for bringing German cockroaches into your house? Sounds like we are trying to point the finger, but we are not. Our goal is education. Once we figure out the source of how the roaches got into the house, then we can start the process of eliminating them. And thoroughness is key!
German cockroaches pest control service is a 2-week process. For each service the same steps have to happen in order to eliminate them:
- All kitchen cabinets have to be completely empty
- All drawers need to be completely empty
- Pantry needs to be empty (90% of the time they do not find a home site in the pantry.)
Now our service can start. Each service we:
- Treat under the kitchen counter
- Treat on countertop where counter meets wall
- Treat each cabinet in every crack and crevice
- Take off drawers and treat each side of the drawer
- Take off electrical outlets, dust in outlets
- Apply cockroach bait on each hinge in cabinets
- Repeat in 2 weeks and you have elimination